Painter w/ Drone
creative direction // camera // editing
Digging into someone's creative process is just fascinating. I followed painter Brian Timmer around to explore the physical, mental, and spiritual process that goes into one of his paintings.

Painter w/ Drone - Brian Timmer

Brian Timmer, Owner, Timmer Gallery
"I thought, 'Wow!' [after seeing the first draft]. I'm amazed that you were able to make so much out of our short session together."

Brian Timmer, Owner, Timmer Gallery
I enjoy the way the story moves. Each scene really compliments the next. I think the natural way in which the footage was recorded preserves and strengthens the heart of the content.

Brian Timmer, Owner, Timmer Gallery
When you facilitated and recorded our conversation on the way home in the car, I didn't realize the significance of our conversation and how strategic you were being in drawing out a story that had meaning. You did a great job adapting to circumstances that were out of your control and still pulled out useful scenes/content.

Brian Timmer, Owner, Timmer Gallery
You are a rock star John. Thanks for making a great video!

Brian Timmer, Owner, Timmer Gallery
You took pieces from different time periods, activities and film modes and carefully placed them in a sequence that made them work together. The timing of each scene was carefully thought out and does a great job conveying and supporting the story.